Roll up your financial reports quickly & painlessly
Consolidating reports like P&Ls and balance sheets across multiple entities, locations, profit/cost centers, or other sources is complicated and time-consuming. Centage dramatically simplifies the process of rolling up data from multiple sources. We free up finance teams to focus more on strategic planning, confident in the accuracy of their consolidated reports.
Get out of maintenance mode
Excel works well for FP&A – until it doesn’t. When the next formula breaks, you’re spending time fixing mistakes instead of strategically planning.
Multi-location rollups made easy
Centage’s intuitive automation streamlines the process of aggregating multiple business entities, preventing duplicated or misstated financial data. Review results with and without adjustments. Stay focused on results no matter how many entities, locations, or products you have.
Generate reports quickly
Build and distribute consolidated, GAAP-compliant financial reports quickly and easily. Automate repetitive tasks to deliver accurate, actionable reports while reducing the burden on your team. Your financials are always up to date, without repetitive manual data entry.