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Product Overview

Collaborative budgeting & forecasting software to supercharge your FP&A process

Centage helps you create a collaborative, top-down AND bottoms-up budgeting process—aligning teams and empowering them to own the plan. Build a budget with your team, not just for them.

Forecasting Illustration

Get out of maintenance mode

Collaborative financial planning

Centage enables secure, cross-department collaboration, transforming budgeting and forecasting into a transparent, shared process. By involving key stakeholders, every plan captures the insights and needs of the entire organization, driving alignment and accountability from day one.

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Fast budgeting, as a team

Create budgets that your entire team believes in. Our software allows you to collaborate seamlessly with department leaders, ensuring every number reflects input from the people who know the business best. Build multidimensional budgets together and turn a daunting task into a shared mission, aligning your company around a financial plan everyone supports. 

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Collaborative planning & forecasting

Forecasting is no longer a guessing game—it’s a collaborative effort. With Centage, you can forecast and evaluate actuals with the input of your entire team, ensuring your financial plan is accurate and actionable. Bring your departments into the conversation, and set realistic goals everyone believes in.

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Strategic workforce planning

Centage empowers you to collaboratively build a detailed workforce budget, aligning every department around a plan that reflects real-world dynamics and supports your company’s goals. With automated headcount calculations, real-time salary forecasts, and secure data sharing, your team can confidently create a strategy for success—turning your workforce into a driving force for the future.

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